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LV14 敬畏的寂静
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    楼主才来makati的时候也是经常被莫名其妙的拦车,交了近2万的冤枉钱,真是苦不堪言啊。后来朋友帮忙在makati city hall 的交通违章罚款表里,一般的违章最高就是闯红灯,也就2000而已。注意了也就是说扣驾照最多也就罚2000披索, 你要是给他超过这个数目的,我还能说什么呢,土豪我们做朋友吧。

    扣了驾照他也拿不到一分钱,所以大部分情况除非他脑子进水了,99%的情况都可以塞小钱解决,不过塞多少就看你的耐心和语言能力了。楼主现在都是车厢里备点零钱,就说没带钱,就这俩三百,要么等吧。不要给他驾照原件,复印件就可以了。一般大部分的情况200-500都可以解决。这些家伙都是做贼心虚的,给钱也要私下秘密的给的, 不能上台面的。

    下面是马尼拉陆运署发布的交通违章罚款列表,感兴趣的童鞋可以看看, 看在楼主2万披索买来的经验份上,用得上的打赏几个吧,不要太吝啬啊

    A. Violations in Connection with Licensing
    1. Driving without License1,500.00
    2. Driving without delinquent of expired license400.00
    3. Driving with suspended or revoked or improper license1,000.00
    4. Failure to carry Driver’s License200.00
    5. Failure to sign Driver’s License200.00
    6. Driving under the influence of liquor.5,000.00
    and two (2) months suspension of driver’s license5,000.00
    for the 2nd offense and three (3) months suspension of driver’s license6,000.00
    for subsequent violations after the 2nd offense and six months suspension of driver’s license; after 3rd offense automatic revocation of driver’s license7,000.00
    7. Driving under the influence of drugs10,000.00
    8. Allowing an unlicensed/improperly licensed person to drive motor vehicle.1,000.00
    suspension of plates, registrations and Driver’s License for 2 months
    9. Possession and use of fake/spurious Driver’s License2,000.00
    if the drivers has been issued an authentic license, it shall be suspended for 1 year in addition to the fine
    if the driver has not been issued an authentic license, he shall be disqualified, to secure a Driver’s License for a period of two (2) years.
    10. Conviction of the driver of a crime using a motor vehicle3,000.00
    11. Student driver operating a MV without being accompanied by a Licensed driver500.00
    12. Unlicensed conductor of a motor vehicle for hire500.00
    13. Operating / driving a motor vehicle which is unregistered / improperly Registered
    if committed by the driver without the knowledge and Consent of the owner/operator2,000.00
    if the driver is also the processor of the subject motor vehicle4,000.00
    in both cases the motor vehicle shall be impounded or the plates if any shall be confiscated and shall not be released until properly registered.
    14. Operating a motor vehicle with unregistered substitute or replacement engine, engine block or chassis5,000.00
    the subject MV shall be impounded until such parts are properly registered
    15. Failure to carry certificate of registration or official receipt of registration150.00
    16. Operating /allowing the operation of MV with a suspended / revoked Certificate/Official Receipt of registration.1,000.00
    the subject MV shall be impounded and its plate held during the suspension
    in addition to the original suspension the said MV and plates shall further be suspended for two (2) years.
    17. Tourist operating or allowing the use of non Philippine registered Motor Vehicle beyond the 90 day period of his sojourn in the country.5,000.00
    B. Violations in Connection with Number of Plates
    18. Motor Vehicle number plates not firmly attached200.00
    19. Obscure plates200.00
    20. License plates different from body number on Public Utility MV500.00
    21. Improper display of a motor vehicle permanent plate500.00
    22. Display/Use of an expired commemorative plates or stickers2,000.00
    23. tampered/ marked plates or stickers2, 000.00
    24. Illegal transfer or use of MV regularly issued MV plates, tags or stickers except security plates on authorized Motor Vehicle10,000.00
    Owners/Operators are conclusively presumed to have Committed the illegal transfer.
    Drivers of MV involved in illegal transfer of plates, sticker shall suffer the suspension of their Driver’s License for three (3) months
    if the MV with illegal transferred plates or stickers in used In the commissions of a crime, its owner shall suffer the penalty of 12,000.00 fine and suspension of plates and registration certificate and Official Receipt for two (2) years
    C. Violations Relative to Equipments, Parts, Accessories, Devices and Markings of Motor Vehicle
    25. Operating MV with metallic tires in any public high ways5,000.00
    26. Defective Brake500.00
    27. Improper/Defective Horn or signaling device300.00
    28. Use or installation of unnecessary lights in front and rear of a Motor Vehicle300.00
    29. Operating motor vehicle without head, tail, plate and/or brake lights300.00
    30. Without muffler150.00
    31. Without wiper150.00
    32. Dirty or unsightly or unsanitary MV300.00
    33. Dilapidated or defective MV1,000.00
    to hold release of plates until defect is correct
    34. Failure to paint or improper painting of authorize route or PUJ Filcabs, Shuttle Services, Trucks For Hire, Taxis and similar for For Hire Motor Vehicles operating with fixed routes.500.00
    to hold plates until defect is corrected
    35. Non painting of business or trade name500.00
    to hold plates until defect is corrected
    36. Use of unauthorized improvised plates300.00
    37. Without or defective hand brakes200.00
    to hold plates pending correction of defect
    38. Without or defective speedometer200.00
    to hold plates pending correction of defect
    39. Without or defective windshield wiper200.00
    to hold plates pending correction of defect
    40. Without rear view mirror200.00
    to hold plates pending correction of defect
    41. Without interior light200.00
    to hold plates pending correction of defect
    42. Without name or business name and address of operator inscribe500.00
    to hold Plate or OR/CR until defect is corrected
    43. Unauthorized use of bell, siren or exhaust whistle15,000.00
    forefieture of the said gadgets in favor of the government
    44. Without functional spare tire300.00
    45. Without red flag or red lights on projecting end of load extending more than a meter beyond the bed or body, and in the evening red lights visible at least 50 meters away.500.00
    46. Failure to paint plate number on a motor vehicle for hire500.00
    to be imposed upon the owner/driver
    47. Failure to carry Early Warning Device (EWD)150.00
    48. Failure to install EWD 4 meters from the front rear and of the stalled motor vehicle500.00
    to be imposed upon the owner/driver
    49. Without Capacity marking375.00
    to be imposed upon the owner/driver
    50. Unauthorized installation of jalosies, painted windshield or colored windshield.600.00
    to be imposed upon the owner/driver
    51. Installation of dim/colored lights, strobe lights, dancing lights or similar lights600.00
    to be imposed upon the owner/driver of the motor vehicles
    52. Use or installation of heavily tinted colored/painted windshield or or window glass600.00
    to be imposed upon the owner/driver sunvizor or light tinted are allowed
    53. Without permanent tail gate with inscription “Not for Hire” sign in a private jeepney/jitney500.00
    to be imposed upon the owner
    54.Use/installation of a glaring/stainless object upon at the front and/or rear of a motor vehicle500.00
    to be imposed upon the owner
    D. Weights and Load Limits:
    55. Load extending beyond the projected width without permit500.00
    to be imposed upon the driver
    56. Axle overloading – an amount equivalent to 25% of MVUC at the time of infringement on owner/operator or driver of trucks and trailers for loading beyond their registered gross weight, vehicle weight. The penalty shall be waived for loads exceeding the registered GVW by a tolerance of less than 5%. No motor vehicle shall exceed thirteen thousand five hundred (13,500) kgs. Or the vehicle load exceeds 150% of the maximum allowable gross weight.300.00
    57. Operating a passenger truck (bus) with cargo exceeding 160 kgs.300.00
    to be imposed upon either the driver/operator or conductor
    58. Allowing more passengers and/or freight or cargo in excess of carrying capacity of MV300.00
    59. Baggage or freight carried on top of truck exceeds 20 kgs. Per sq. meter and not distributed in such a manner as not to endanger the passenger or stability of the truck
    E. Prohibited or Illegal Operation of Motor Vehicles
    60. Out of line6,000.00
    For Operators/Owners:
    1st Offense
    & addt’l P1, 500.00 per day reckoned from the day of apprehension until the case was settled and suspension of registration and/or impoundment of MV for three (3) months
    2nd Offense
    & addt’l P2, 000.00 per day reckoned from the day of apprehension until the case was settled and suspension of registration and/or impoundment of MV for six (6) monts
    3rd Offense
    & addt’l P2, 500.00 per day reckoned from the day of apprehension until the case was settled, revocation of registration and forever banned from applying for a franchise and/or revocation of franchise if franchise holder
    For Drivers:
    1st Offense250.00
    & suspension of DL for three (3) months
    2nd Offense500.00
    & suspension of DL for six (6) months
    3rd Offense750.00
    & suspension of DL for one (1) year
    61. Colorum operation
    For Operators/Owner:
    1st Offense250.00
    & suspension of DL for three (3) months
    2nd Offense500.00
    & suspension of DL for six (6) months
    3rd Offense750.00
    & suspension of DL for (1)year
    62. Operating a motor vehicle with expired franchise (CPC)
    Operator/owner/possessor of MV per day from the date of expiry to the date of the CPC1,000.00
    -the plate, OR/CR of the subject MV shall be suspended for six months from the date of apprehension to the fines
    63. Operating or using a For Hire Motor Vehicle different from its types of services mentioned in the CPC
    for driver1,000.00
    for operator3,000.00
    For Hire Motor Vehicles used by the members of the family of the operator, during emergency cases is allowed.
    2nd offense and suspension plates, OR, CR for six (6) months
    for driver2,000.00
    for operator4,000.00
    for subsequent offenses and suspension of DL, plate, OR/CR for one (1) year
    for driver3,000.00
    for operator5,000.00
    F. Breach of Condition of Franchise and Related Violations.
    64. Employing insolent, discourteous drivers and conductors400.00
    to be imposed against the owner/operator/possessor of MV
    65. Discourtesy of drivers and/or conductors towards the passengers in addition to the suspension of conductor’s/driver’s license for (2) two months500.00
    66. Unreasonable refusal to convey passengers to the suspension of the license of the driver of the license of the driver for two (2) months. If the operator has knowledge or consent to the infraction committed, the place, OR & CR shall ikewise be suspended for two (2) months.1,500.00
    to be imposed against the driver and/or the operator in addition
    67. Non – issuance of fare ticket
    to be imposed against the operator and the conductor
    for operator375.00
    for conductor1,000.00
    68. Unauthorized use of commercial or trade name500.00
    to be imposed against the operator
    69. Undue preference or unjust/unreasonable discrimination against the passenger600.00
    to be imposed against the driver aside from the penalty, The license of the driver shall be suspended for two (2) months.
    70. Overcharging/Undercharging of fare750.00
    for the driver or the conductor as the case maybe and suspension of conductors license for two (2) months
    the operator shall also be liable for equal fine if found to have participated thereto and the plate, OR/CR for the same period stated above.
    for each subsequent violation the license of the driver or conductor and/or the plate, OR/CR of the subject MV shall be suspended for three (3) months.
    71. Breach of Condition in the CPC except when already penalized under any provisions of this circular.500.00
    G. Frauds and Falsities
    72. Use of fake plates/stickers/pursuant documents2,000.00 to 4,000.00
    to be imposed upon the owner and/or driver of the subject MV.
    73. Misrepresenting a copy of a document pertinent to a motor vehicle Before the Traffic Adjudication Service.1, 500.00
    to be imposed upon the driver or owner
    H. Traffic Violations
    74. Parking200.00
    a. within an intersection
    b. within 5 meters of the intersection
    c. 4 meter from the driveway entrance
    d. within 4 meters from afire hydrant
    e. in front of a private driveway
    f. on the roadway side of any unmoving or parked MV at the curved way of the highway
    g. at any place where signs of prohibitions have been installed.
    75. Reckless Driving
    1st Offense1, 000.00
    2nd Offense1, 500.00
    and suspension of DL for two (2) months
    3rd Offense2, 000.00
    and suspension of DL for six (6) months
    Succeeding offense5, 000.00
    and revocation of DL
    Such as but not limited to the following:
    a. Disregarding Traffic Signs
    a.a. Failure to yield right of way – failure of a vehicle entering a highway from a private road or drive to yield the right way to all vehicles approaching on such highway.
    a.b. Failure to yield the right of way to ambulance, police or fire department vehicles – failure of a driver upon a highway to yield the right of way to police or fire department vehicles and ambulances when such vehicles are operated on official business and the drivers thereof sound audible signal of their approach.
    a.c. Failure to yield right of way at a “through highway” or a “stop intersection” – failure of a vehicle entering a “through highway” or a “stop intersection” to yield the right of way to all vehicles approaching in either direction on such “through intersection”.
    a.d. Failure to give proper signal – Failure to give the appropriate signal before starting, stopping or turning into a direct line.
    a.e. Illegal turn – failure of the driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the right at an intersection to approach such intersection in the lane for traffic nearest to be right-hand side of the highway and. In turning, to keep as close as possible to the right hand curve or edge of the highway.
    a.f. Illegal turn – failure of the driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left, to approach such intersection in the lane for traffic to the right of and nearest to the center line of the highway, and turning , to pass to the left of the center of the intersection except upon highway laned for traffic and upon one-way highway.
    a.g. Failure to stop motor and notch handbrake of motor vehicle when unattended – failure to turn off the ignition switch and stop the motor and notch effectively the handbrake when parking a motor vehicle unattended on any highway.
    b. Allowing a passenger to top or cover of a motor vehicle except in a truck helper
    c. Failure to provide canvass cover to cargos or freight of trucks requiring the same
    d. Permitting passenger to ride on running board, stepboard or mudguard of MV while the same is in motion
    e. Failure to dim headlights when approaching another motor vehicle
    f. Driving For Hire motor vehicle in slippers
    g. Driving in a place not intended for traffic or into place not allowed for parking
    h. Hitching or permitting a person or a bicycle, motorcycle, tricycle or skate roller to hitch to a motor vehicle
    i. Driving against traffic – failure to pass to the right when meeting persons or vehicles coming towards him
    j. Illegal turn – failure to conduct the motor vehicle to the right of the intersection of the highway when turning to the left in going from one highway to another
    k. Illegal overtaking – failure to pass to the left when overtaking persons or vehicles going the same direction except when there are two or more lanes for the movement of traffic in one direction
    l. Overtaking at an unsafe distance – failure to pass at a safe distance to the left of another motor vehicle when overtaking that vehicle.
    m. Cutting an overtaken vehicle – driving to the right side of the highway after overtaking before his motor vehicle is safely clear of such overtaken vehicles.
    n. Failure to give way to an overtaking vehicle – failure to give way to another vehicle approaching from the rear that wishes to overtake his vehicle when the former has given suitable and audible signal
    o. Increasing speed when being overtaken – increasing the speed of the motor vehicle before the overtaking vehicle has completely passed.
    p. Overtaking when left side is not visible or clear of oncoming traffic  - driving to the left side  of the center line of a highway in overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction where the left side is not clearly visible and is not free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance to pass in safely.
    q. Overtaking upon a crest of a grade – overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction  when approaching the crest of a grade
    r. Overtaking upon a curve – overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction upon a curve in a highway where the driver’s view along the highway is obstructed within a distance of 500 feet ahead.
    s. Overtaking at any railway grade crossing – overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction at any railway grade crossing.
    t. Overtaking at an intersection – overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction at any intersection of highways except on a highway having two or more lanes for movement of traffic in one direction where the driver of a vehicle may overtake another vehicle on the right.
    u. Overtaking between “men working” or “caution” signs – overtaking or passing or attempting to overtake or pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction between warning or caution signs indicating that men are working on the highway.
    v. Overtaking at no overtaking zone – overtaking or passing or attempting to overtake or pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction in any “no passing or overtaking” zone.
    w. Failure to yield the right of way – failure of the vehicle on the left to yield the right intersection at approximately the same time.
    x. Failure to yield the right of way – failure of a vehicle approaching but not having entered an intersection to yield the right of way to a vehicle within such intersection or turning therein to the left across the line of travel of the first mentioned vehicle when such vehicle has given a plainly visible signal of intention to turn.
    y. Failure to yield the right of way – failure of the driver of any upon a highway within a business or residential district to yield the right of to a pedestrian crossing such highway within a crosswalk except at intersection where the movement of traffic is regulated by a peace officer or by traffic
    z. Failure to stop before traversing a “through highway” or railroad crossing – failure of the driver of a vehicle upon a highway to bring to full stop such vehicle before traversing any “through highway” or railroad crossing.
    76. Obstruction – obstructing the free passage of other vehicles on the highway while discharging or taking passengers or loading and unloading freight, or driving a motor vehicle in such a manner as to obstruct or impede the passage of any vehicle
    I. Violations involving Taxi Units except those already provided in this circular
    77. Fast, Tampered, Defective or non operational,Tampered, broken, fake or altered meter seal.
    and suspension of DL for three (3) months 1st Offense
    and suspension of DL for four (4) months 2nd Offense
    and suspension of DL for six (6) months; 3rd Offense
    DL will be revoked and franchise will be recommended for cancellation
    For the said infraction, the operator of the subject MV shall be summoned. Upon determination That he is also liable for the said infraction, the plates, OR/CR of the subject MV shall be suspended for the said duration of the suspension suffered by the driver in addition to the fine equivalent to the amount paid by the driver.
    78. Tampered, broken, joint, reconnected, fake or altered sealing wire
    1, 500.00
    to be imposed upon the driver or owner whoever maybe responsible. The License  of the driver or the plate, OR/CR of the MV shall be suspended for one month for the 1st offense. Two (2) months for the 2nd offense and three (3) months  for the 3rd  offense
    after third violation Dl will be revoked and franchise  Will be recommended for cancellation.
    79. Violation of color scheme, adaptation of MV color or design without authority
    to be impose upon the owner
    80. Old  meter seal/or loose triplex seal
    to be impose upon the and/or driver
    81. Flagged up meter and/or operating on contractual basis
    to be impose against the driver. The License of the driver shall be suspended For forty five (45) days
    82. No taxi Meter
    1, 200.00
    to be imposed against the driver the total amount of         
    & 1, 200.00
    to be imposed against the operator the total amount of
    2, 400.00
    83. Failure to paint the word “Aircon”
    to be impose against the operator/Owner only.
    84.Unauthorized installation of Aircon
    to be impose against the operator/owner and driver
    85. No Identification Card
    86. No Taximeter light
    87. Failure to provide top light indicating availability
    to be impose upon the driver and/or owner
    88. Failure to print owner/operator’s name, address and/or Capacity markings, type of service on taxi units
    to be imposed upon the owner/operator or driver
    J. Other Non – Traffic Violations
    89. Unauthorized installation of aircon on buses
    90. Non painting of the word aircon for buses
    91. Operating aircon MV with defective aircon
    92. Smoke Belching define under RA 8479
    for the 1st offense and to pass the smoke emission test
    [size=10.9091px]1, 000.00
    for the 2nd offense and to pass the smoke emission test
    [size=10.9091px]3, 000.00
    for 3rd and subsequent offenses and to pass the smoke emissionn test and to suspend of plates, CR/OR/ Registration of MV for one (1) year
    [size=10.9091px]5, 000.00
    93. Operating a right hand drive motor vehicles
    [size=10.9091px]50, 000.00
    94. Failure to Install Seatbelt as defined under RA 8750
    95. Failure to wear/unbuckled seatbelt
    96. Allowing child six years old and below on passenger seat
    97. Display of sign board (PUB & PUJ ONLY) without front panel route

    • 3

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    zzqadl + 5 不错的建议
    dafeafeae + 5 说的好!!
    小苹果 + 20 感谢大大的无私分享

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          LV14 敬畏的寂静
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            LV4 路旁的落叶
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              LV4 路旁的落叶
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                robin123 发表于 2016-7-20 09:45



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