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    2005 年第 28 号联邦法律关于个人身份法(个人法)第 313 – 328 条


    • 死者
    • 继承人
    • 继任


    强制继承和继承人(称为Fouroud )

    • 余额的二分之一

    • 丈夫(前提是妻子没有后裔)
    • 女儿(前提是死者没有其他孩子,男性或女性)
    • 儿子或其后代的女儿(前提是死者没有与她同等或更高年龄的子女或孙子女)
    • 相关的姐妹(前提是她没有兄弟、其他姐妹、死者、父亲或祖父的后裔)
    • 有血缘关系的姐妹(前提是她是一个并且没有近亲兄弟、有血缘关系的兄弟姐妹、死者的后裔、父亲或祖父)

    • 余额的四分之一

    • 丈夫,在妻子有后裔的情况下。
    • 妻子,即使是几个,如果丈夫没有后裔。

    • 余额的八分之一

    • 妻子,即使是几个,丈夫也有一个后裔。

    • 余额的三分之二

    • 死者没有儿子,且有两个或两个以上的女儿。
    • 儿子或其后代的两个或两个以上的女儿,如果死者没有直系儿子,则与儿子的女儿具有相同等级的孙子或更高等级的孙子。
    • 在没有亲兄弟、死者、父亲或祖父的后裔的情况下,两个或更多亲姐妹。
    • 两个或两个以上的近亲姐妹,在没有近亲兄弟、亲兄弟或姐妹的情况下,是死者、父亲或祖父的后裔。

    • 余额的三分之一

    • 母亲,如果死者无后裔,或绝对没有兄弟姐妹,除非她与配偶之一和父亲限制性地继承,否则她有权获得剩余的三分之一。
    • 母亲的两个或两个以上的孩子在没有死者的后裔、父亲、祖父的情况下。
    • 祖父,如果他同意有亲缘关系或近亲兄弟或两者,如果他们超过两个,或相应数量的姐妹,并且没有强迫继承人。

    • 余额的六分之一

    • 父亲与后裔同时代。
    • 祖父,在以下情况下:
    • 如果死者有后代。
    • 在强制继承人在场且他的份额少于剩余份额的六分之一或三分之一或在他们取得强制份额后一无所有的情况下。
    • 如果他有一个强制继承人和两个以上的兄弟或同等数量的姐妹,无论是有血缘关系还是血缘关系,他的六分之一份额对他来说比其余的三分之二更好。
    • 母亲与死者的后裔或两个或两个以上的兄弟或姐妹,绝对是。
    • 一位或多位祖母及其后代,前提是她没有被禁止继承。
    • 儿子或其后裔的一个或多个女儿,如果她与一个近亲女儿或一个单身儿子的女儿的等级更高,但没有儿子或孙子与她相比更高或同等程度。
    • 如果死者没有继任后裔、父亲、祖父兄弟或近亲兄弟,则有一个或多个近亲姐妹与一个亲缘姐妹。
    • 在死者的继任者、父亲或祖父没有后裔的情况下,只有一个子宫兄弟或姐妹;并适当遵守本法第 347 条。

    • 余额的三分之一

    • 则母亲与配偶和父亲中的一个,如果死者没有后代或两个或两个以上的兄弟或姐妹。
    • 如果祖父有一个强制继承人,并且有两个以上的兄弟或同等数量的有亲缘关系或近亲的姐妹,前提是其余的三分之一对他来说比六分之一更好。

    • 两个父母
    • 配偶
    • 祖父或他的同族长辈
    • 与继承人没有亲属关系的祖母
    • 女儿们
    • 儿子或其后代的女儿
    • 姐妹
    • 同源兄弟


    Articles 313 – 328

    There are 3 main elements of inheritance
    • The Decedent
    • The Heir
    • The Succession

    Subject to death of the decedent or by judgement, the presence of the heir alive upon real or assumed death of the decedent, knowledge of the whereabouts of the succession.
    The main causes of inheritance are marriage and kinship.
    It is not possible to inherit between two persons of different religions.
    Forced Inheritance and Heirs  (known as Fouroud)
    Forced Inheritance is a fixed share for an heir in the estate.
    These shares are divided into:

    • One half of the balance

    Received by:
    • The husband (provided the wife has no succeeding descendant)
    • The daughter (provided the decedent has no other child, male or female)
    • The daughter of the son or of his descendants (provided the decedent has no child or grandchild equal or higher in degree with her)
    • The pertinent sister (provided she has no brother, other sisters, a succeeding descendant to the decedent, father, or paternal grandfather)
    • The genetically related sister (provided she is one and there is no consanguine brother, germane brother or sister, a succeeding descendant to the decedent, a father or a paternal grandfather)

    • One quarter of the balance

    Received by:
    • The husband in case the wife has a succeeding descendant.
    • The wife, even if several, should the husband have no succeeding descendant.

    • One eighth of the balance

    Received by:
    • The wife, even if several, should the husband have a succeeding descendant.

    • Two thirds of the balance

    Received by:
    • Two or more daughters, if the decedent has no sons.
    • Two or more daughters of the son, or of his descendants, if the decedent has no direct son, grandson of the same degree as the son’s daughters or a grandchild of a higher degree.
    • The two or more germane sisters in the absence of a germane brother, a succeeding descendant of the decedent, father, or paternal grandfather.
    • The two or more consanguine sisters, in the absence of a consanguine brother, a germane brother or sister, a succeeding descendant of the decedent, father or paternal grandfather.

    • One third of the balance

    Received by:
    • The mother, if the decedent has no succeeding descendant, or if there is absolutely none of the brothers and sisters, unless she inherits with one of the spouses and the father restrictively, then she is entitled to one-third of the remainder.
    • Two or more of the mother’s children in the absence of a succeeding descendant of the decedent, a father, a paternal grandfather. This third shall be equally divided between them, male and female.
    • The paternal grandfather, if he concurs with the germane or consanguine brothers or both, if they are more than two, or a corresponding number of sisters, and in the absence of forced heirs.

    • One sixth of the balance

    Received by:
    • The father in concurrence with a succeeding descendant.
    • The paternal grandfather, in the following instances:
    • If the decedent has a succeeding descendant.
    • In the presence with him of forced heirs and where his share is less than one-sixth or one third of the remainder or if nothing is left after they have taken their forced shares.
    • If he has with him a forced heir and more than two brothers or an equal number of sisters, whether germane or consanguine, and his share of one-sixth is better to him than the two-thirds of the remainder.
    • The mother with the succeeding descendant of the decedent or with two or more of the brothers or sisters, in the absolute.
    • One or more grandmother and her ascendants provided she is not debarred from inheritance.
    • One or more daughter of the son or of his descendants if she inherits with a single consanguine daughter or with a single son’s daughter who is higher in degree, provided there is no son or grandson in a higher or in an equal degree compared to her.
    • One or more consanguine sister with a single germane sister if the decedent has no succeeding descendant, or father, paternal grandfather brother or consanguine brother.
    • A single uterine brother or sister in the absence of a succeeding descendant of the decedent, a father or paternal grandfather; with due observance of Article 347 of this Law.

    • One third of the balance

    Received by:
    • The mother with one of the spouses and the father, if the decedent has no succeeding descendant or two or more of the brothers or sisters, in the absolute.
    • The paternal grandfather if he is with a forced heir and more than two brothers or an equal number of germane or consanguine sisters, provided the one-third of the remainder is better for him than the one-sixth.

    The forced heirs are:
    • Two parents
    • Spouses
    • Paternal grandfather or his agnate ascendants
    • The grandmother who is not related to the decedent by an heir
    • Daughters
    • Daughter of the son or his descendants
    • Sisters in the absolute
    • Cognate brother

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