The following supporting documents may or may not be requested from the applicant and are only required at the discretion of the consular officer:
1.Bank statements for the last three (3) months and both current and former bank account passbooks
2.Employment certification including salary, tenure and position
3.Form W-2
4.Income tax return with Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) or bank stamp
5.Audited financial statement with BIR or bank stamp
6.Pay slips for the last three (3) months
7.Credit card statements for the prior three months
8.Vehicle registration with official receipt
9.Land titles (no certified copies please)
10.Pictures of family, home or business
11.Wedding photos
12.Marriage certificate printed on the Philippine National Statistics Office security paper, if applicable
13.Birth certificate printed on the Philippine National Statistics Office security paper
14.For students, certificate of school registration
15.Certification of membership to legitimate organization(s)
Due to the large volume of applications processed each day, consular officers may not always look at supporting documents, unless there are points in the application forms or in the interview that need clarification.
可以的, 我几年前就是在Roxas 大道的美国大使馆申请到的.
1. 官方网上填好申请资料后, 系统会自动产生一个带编号的打印文件,打印出来收好.
2. 打电话去大使馆相关部门, 告诉他你申请文件编号. 他们会告诉你面试的日子.
3. 去银行把申请费用付了, 留着收据去面试时要查证的.
4. 准备好 (楼上所列出清单里的文件), 但面试官会不会看这些证明全看你交谈时的应对,和面试官对你信任的程度.
5. 一大早去Roxas大道美国外排队吧, 交文件, 按手印,照相, 面试...
6. 面试室里有多个窗口, 面试可能从很简单的问答1分钟到繁杂的提问,查证30分钟, 全看面试官而定. 俺只是被问了2个问题不到2分钟就对我说 "Happy trip!",当时真感动啊.
7. 面试成功 (批准)护照大使馆会保留下来盖章,并寄回给您. 失败的话,护照就马上退还了,并建议好像是3个还是6个月内不要重新申请.
- 有力的经济证明 (也未必会看, 我花了1个多月筹备相关资料, 万般皆备, 却一份也没叫我拿出来看)
- 有力的赴美理由. (靠你辩论口才, 中文能不能通我就不晓得了)
- 任何能让面试官相信你不会一去不返的资料或感觉.
- 英文流利 (面试官犹豫不决时, 为自己理论或求包容)
- 在开放的民主国家待过很长一段时间
- 给人一种良好正直的感觉, 穿着不邋遢, 不要打扮的像个流氓痞子似的.
拿到签证就可以买机票了,美国发的签证有效期是1年 (现在不知道是多久), 可以来回多次进入美国。
- 下了飞机,入境过海关时会被再次询问入境目的,这将决定你这次入境可以待多久。一般分3个月和6个月,还是一样,取决于应答。
- 入境停留期满,可以飞回来待一段时间再去美国,或者去墨西哥出境后再入境(美国)。只要签证有效期没过,你可以重复地入境美国。不过太留恋美国,停留太久,多次进入会对你下一次签证的申请有负面影响。 |
| 我带着我儿子一起去签,因为他拿的是菲律宾护照,所以他拿的是10年的,我问了签证官,他说中国护照只能给一年的。
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