Philippines looking for ‘nice’ China-funded infrastructure deals
The Philippine government is planning to get official development assistance (ODA) commitment from China for at least three of its costly infrastructure projects, such as the recently-approved Tutuban-Sorsogon train system, a first subway in Metro Manila, and an extensive railway in Mindanao.
“We think there is an excess capacity in China because there is not much infrastructure projects there. We are really shopping for nice projects,” Philippine Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno said on the sidelines of the 22nd Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Transport Ministers Meeting in Pasay City last November 17.
去年11月17日在第22届东南亚国家联盟(东盟)帕赛市交通部长会议上,菲律宾预算部部长本杰明·迪奥克诺(Benjamin Diokno )曾称,“我们认为中国的产能有些过剩了因为中国目前没有太多的在建基础建设项目。而我们真的很期待良好的项目。”
During President Duterte’s recent visit to China, the Philippine government was able to get a $9-billion deal from credit facilities to be made available for businesses, development projects, and infrastructure, among others. Around 17 memoranda of understanding were also signed by Chinese and Philippine firms during the state visit.