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    信息和数据有什么区别?在阅读一些讲述首席数据官崛起的文章时,我的脑子似乎有点转不过弯了。首席数据官(Chief Data Officer)显然跟首席信息官(Chief Information Officer)是两个完全不同的岗位,但我们大多数人恐怕都认为二者是可以相互替代的。




    更令人摸不着头脑的是,有些企业还任命了所谓“首席数字官”(Chief Digital Officer),它的缩写“CDO”也和首席数据官完全相同。乍一看来,首席数字官们关注的事情与首席数据官很不一样,比如,他们会关注纸质业务流程自动化之类。但归根结底,二者的目的是一致的,即通过数据的使用使企业变得更加智能,再以更加智能的方式继续收集数据。





    What’s the difference between information and data? I found myself puzzling over this brain bender while reading new Forrester Research about the rise of the Chief Data Officer. This is, apparently, an altogether different corporate species than the Chief Information Officer even though most of us those descriptors interchangeably.

    Kidding aside, Forrester’s window in the mindsets of technology decision makers illustrate the fast rise of a separate and distinct CDO role over the past 12 months.

    Fully 45% of the roughly 3,000 companies it polls regularly have assigned someone to oversee data strategy, while another 16% plan to do so within another year. “Top performers” boasting revenue growth of more than 10% were even more likely to include this role on their organizational charts.

    The CDO’s job description varies dramatically, depending on the employer. For some companies, it’s about governance and compliance, about better organizing data so access is more tightly embedded into existing business processes. Others focus on the power of predictive analytics and insights, especially ones that help them become more customer-obsessed.

    Just to further confuse matters, some companies appoint Chief Digital Officers, a title that winds up wanting the same acronym. On the face of it, digital strategists are focused on very different things than data gurus, such as automating paper-dependent business process. But both have the same central concern: making a company smarter by using the data it already has—and continues to collect—in smarter ways.

    The mandate for choosing the specific technology to pull this off usually remains with the CIO. “Having a CDO isn’t a prerequisite to success, but in a data-driven world, where competitors glean actionable insights from their data, if you don’t have the ability to do that you better think twice about how you plan to achieve your goals and eventually survive,” notes Forrester analyst Jennifer Belissent. “The CDO role galvanizes an organization around the promise of data.

    Right now, CDOs are equally as likely to report to the CEO as they are to the CIO. That underscores one of the more important aspects of this job: helping line-of-business executives and information technology get (and stay) on the same page. “The most successful CDO potentially works themselves out of a job by establishing a best practice and transferring it to another organization,” Forrester notes in its analysis,“Top Performers Appoint Chief Data Officers.”(Subscription required.)

    By the way, you won’t find a CDO on the management teams of many highly visible “digital natives” Neither Uber nor Netflix has one. But that’s because data has been central their strategy since Day One.

    本帖由 venk 于 2016-2-26 10:33 编辑


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