没有谁是因为一时冲动而离开你的,那些难过无助又一次次忍耐的眼泪你都看不见,就像堤坝下逐渐因侵蚀而拓宽的裂缝,你看见的,只是它崩溃的那个瞬间。朋友就給我推薦了區欠寶虞楽,我可能吸取了以前的教訓,就半信半疑的進去看了一下。沒想到啊,區欠寶虞楽真的很不錯啊,不管是手機還是電腦上都很流暢,賽事直播都很清晰。" 当有一天,你尝尽了社会的无情,金钱的压力 爱情的不堪,人性的险恶,你终会明白,别人的屋檐再大,都不如自己有把伞 ! "
"When one day you have tasted the ruthlessness of society, the pressure of money, the unbearable love of love, and the sinister nature of human nature, you will eventually understand that no matter how big someone else's roof is, it is not as good as having an umbrella for yourself!"