根据菲律宾移民法第29节,那些未满15岁的小孩子如果在没有父母的陪同下想要前往菲律宾的话,必须在外交部的协调下从移民局取得弃权书(waiver of exclusion grounds)(WEG)
问:怎样申请弃权书WEG?答:前往移民局就行了,交易分同意书还有出生证明(这种工作一般交给旅行社弄)Submit the affidavit of Request, Consent and Guarantee of any of the minor's parents and his birth certificate to the Head Supervisor of the Bureau of Immigration at the port of entry or at Window 1 Ground floor of the Main Office. Sworn statements or affidavits must be notarized.
Submit the affidavit of Request, Consent and Guarantee of any of the minor's parents and his birth certificate to the Head Supervisor of the Bureau of Immigration at the port of entry or at Window 1 Ground floor of the Main Office. Sworn statements or affidavits must be notarized.
问:申请弃权书WEG需要哪些文件呢?答:还是交给旅行社吧. R: L- ]4 f3 k) u D6 E
Affidavit of support executed by the child's relative in the Philippines, if filed in the Bureau of Immigration in the Philippines.
Affidavit of consent to travel and support executed by one or both parents or guardian, duly authorized or authenticated by officers at the Philippine Foreign Service Post.
Photocopy of the data page of the passport.
Authenticated Birth Certificate of the child.
没有必要申请啥啥弃权书 |