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近期,有朋友和我谈到:租房遇到中介骗钱,一次性交多个月的房租,却没有给出正式租房合同,而且租房时没有与房东见面,到后面中介收了房租钱后,并没有及时交给房东,从而中介消失甚至联系不上,导致租客无法继续住下去或者需要重新给房租交租续租,在此整理一些租房须知和守则供大家参看,因为本论坛没有对一些黑中介,黑的司机的曝光专栏,因为如果同胞们有类似的经历可以跟帖让大家知悉。<br><br><br>For your kind information:<br>以下资讯供您的参考:<br><br>Things to do and to exercise due diligence dealing with the broker:<br>以下为与仲介合作的须知守则,提供同胞参考,以保障自身利益:<br><br>1) Know your broker well:<br>- Get a Xerox copy of Her/His ID as a broker and license # and also Xerox copy of her/his NBI Clearance as much as possible.<br>- if he/she is represented by a small company also try to get the name of the company he/she is working and landline number.<br>1)了解你的仲介:<br>-请仲介提供仲介证明和有其仲介证照号码的证件并将其复印,以及其 NBI 证明的复印本,儘可能要求相关的身份证明文件越多越好。<br>-如果仲介是代表房仲公司行号,请试着要求知道公司的完整名字和市话号码。<br><br>2) Know the Owner of the Unit:<br>-Get the complete name of the owner of the unit and contact # from the Broker<br>-always try to check with the admin building and do a verification if the name<br>given to you is really in the admin record of the building.<br>2) 了解租屋的房东:<br>-要求房仲提供该单位的房东完整姓名以及联繫电话。<br>-请试着和租屋大楼的行政处确认,并核实房仲给你的房东名字是否与大楼行政处的纪录一样。<br><br>3) Deal only with the Broker that will give you a Contract Paper:<br>-Never be persuade to sweet words of the broker, and insist that no need of contract.<br>-Always remember that the contract is important to protect you with your interest and your money.<br>3) 请选择能提供有效合约书的仲介:<br>-不要被仲介以各种话术/甜言蜜语说服,提供不具合法性的文件或是坚持你不需要合约书。<br>-请牢记所有的合法租房过程都必须经过有效合约书来保障您的自身利益。<br><br>4) Always negotiate thru a check payment:<br>-try to convince if possible payment will be made thru check.<br>-if cash - never give the money without Official Receipt or acknowledgement Receipt and the most important is the Contract of the Unit.<br>4) 请尽量和仲介协商支付租金的方式为支票:<br>-试着说服,在情况允许下用支票的方式支付租金。<br>-如果需要用现金支付,请不要在没有正式收据的情况下就付款,最重要的就是要有租屋单位的租屋合约书。<br><br>5) Never give the money or check without closing the contract:<br>-Inside the contract make sure the name of the owner is indicated<br>-there is a Xerox copy ID of the owner (make sure the face is clear and visible ) attached in the contract and been signed.<br>-never give the money to the broker without the owner consent/ or if the owner is not around<br>-ask for a Special Power of Attorney wherein stating that any transaction of the broker<br>is bind and legal. Special power of attorney must be notarized and on dated<br>5) 绝不在合约书未完成的情况下支付支票或现金:<br>-在合约书中要确认房屋持有者的完整姓名有呈现在内文中。<br>-合约书中附上房屋持有者的身分证复印本(确认复印本的照片是清晰可辨认的),并且有房东的签署。<br>-在没有房东同意的情况或是如果房东不在场,决不将钱交给仲介。<br>-要求授权书,其中要说明与仲介绑定的交易并俱有合法性。授权书一定要有公证和在有效期限内。<br><br><b><font size="3">Note: Right now avoid the <font color="#ff0000">Ms Estephanie B Regalado(Nickname: Stef) </font>if your encountered the name, just simply reject that you don't want her service.</font></b><br><b><font size="3">Since i already have an issue of her and we encountered bad feedback of the services.</font></b><br><b><font size="3">注意: 现在请避免与这位<font color="#ff0000">Ms Estephanie B Regalado(Nickname: Stef)</font>交易,如果你遇到这个名字的仲介,只要简单的拒绝,表示你不想要她的服务。</font></b><br><b><font size="3">目前我已经接到朋友反馈对她的服务所造成的投诉(不止一起)。</font></b><br><br>特此提醒各位同仁租屋時,務必小心。<br>We would like to alert everyone. Must be careful when dealing rental. <br><br> |