阿联酋刑法:通过电话或者任何形式的短信辱骂他人,处半年监禁和5000迪拉姆罚款 阿联酋联邦检察院,根据《联邦刑法》第374款规定,通过电话或者任何形式的短信辱骂他人,处半年监禁和5000迪拉姆罚款。如果辱骂公职人员,处罚更加严重。 ”According to Article 374 of the Federal Penal Code, a person shall be subject to a jail sentence for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding Dh5,000 in case the libel or insult takes place over the telephone or facing the victim in the presence of others. The penalty shall be a fine not exceeding Dh5,000 if the libel or insult takes place facing the victim without the presence of a third party or in a letter dispatched to him by any means whatsoever.” 防水图: