Balkan Entertainment and Gaming Expo (BEGE) is one of the most significant gaming events in Europe. Every year BEGE features more than 85 companies from all sectors of the gaming industry as they showcase their newest cutting-edge products, services and solutions. With over 6,700 visitors from 68+ countries, BEGE provides a unique opportunity to explore the newest trends and advancements in the gaming and entertainment sectors.
The Eastern European Gaming Summit (EEGS) is an annual gaming conference, which calls together experts from the online and land-based gaming sectors to share insights, experience and ideas. EEGS keeps you on track with the latest regulatory and technological developments in the European region. The event attracts over 450 industry professionals from 35 countries, providing them with in-depth knowledge on key updates and legal cases from leading experts in the field.
无回帖,不蛇年,这才是正道。 蛇年吉祥,心态平和,淡定如意…… 激动人心,蛇年到来,无法言表的喜悦! 蛇年真是难得给力的一年,祝大家万事顺意! 蛇年真是难得给力的一年,祝大家万事顺意! 强烈支持蛇年好运连连,福气满满! 真是被蛇年的祝福感动得痛哭流涕…… 强烈支持蛇年好运连连,福气满满! 蛇年真是难得给力的一年,祝大家万事顺意!