马尼拉旅社推出「圣诞节」礼篮 提前带来年节的气氛
马尼拉旅社推出「圣诞节」礼篮 提前带来年节的气氛09/22/2024
讯:马尼拉旅社Manila Hotel为一班提早采购年节物品的人士,献售有打折的「圣诞节礼篮」,今年从九月十六日到十月卅一日,该旅社的宾客可以在购买年节礼篮争取打八折(扣20%)的优待,每一只礼篮内盛装十二款过节的物品。
「标准式」的礼篮每只售价为菲币二千三百零四元(平时售菲币二千八百八十元),其中所盛装的礼品计有:Bahay Kubo Gingerbread, Christmas Cookies, Fruitcake, Harana Pralines, Cashew Raisin Cluster, The Manila Hotel Facade Chocolate Bar, and a Santa with Bag Chocolate。
至于豪华Deluxe Hamper礼篮,每只售价为菲币五千五百零四元(平时售菲币六千八百八十元),礼篮内盛装的礼品比普通礼篮更上一层楼。除礼品外,还附近一张Regular Prestige Card正规特权卡,以供献更多的优待,这种礼篮的内容为:Bahay Kubo Gingerbread, Pili Nut Pralines, Fruitcake, Food for the Gods, Mango Nut Cluster, Santa with Bag Chocolate, Christmas Cookies, Bugnay Wine (375 ml), and a Willy the Bear Stuffed Toy。
最后,还有Premium Hamper优等礼篮,售价为菲币七千二百八十元,平时售菲币九千一百元。内容为Harana Pralines, The Manila Hotel Facade Chocolate Bar, The Manila Hotel Blend Coffee Drip, Bugnay Wine (375 ml), Tablea (250 g), a Tsokolatera Pot with Wooden Whisk, The Manila Hotel Tumbler, Ilang-Ilang Notebook, Willy the Bear Keychain, Willy the Bear Stuffed Toy, and a Regular Prestige Card。
淡定,淡定,淡定…… 挺早的 无回帖,不论坛,这才是人道。 淡定,淡定,淡定……