截至今天,吕宋岛的伊波水坝(Ipo Dam)、安布克劳水坝(Ambuklao Dam)和宾加水坝(Binga Dam)依旧在持续泄洪。菲律宾大气地球物理和天文服务管理局(PAGASA)报告称,这三座水坝的水位已接近其正常高水位(NHWL)。伊波水坝位于布拉干省诺尔萨加拉伊市(Norzagaray, Bulacan),目前泄洪闸门开度为0.15米,水库水位达100.52米,接近正常高水位101.10米。
明月高悬照天下,博牛庆中秋,愿大家健康平安,博币多多,好运连连! 博牛庆中秋,金秋月圆,愿社区的每一位伙伴事业成功,幸福美满! 博牛庆中秋,愿天上月圆,心中事圆,未来之路处处圆满顺利!
Multiple Perks of Employing a Nearby Realtor to List Your House Swiftly
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Throughout negotiations, the expert mediates among yourself and the potential buyer's contact. They might lead you toward trustworthy professionals, be they they in home assessment or financial counsel. After conditions are settled, this particular expert will organize a property check and talk with you on possible changes, deciphering who bears the monetary duty, whether it's you the interested buyer.
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