这位前越南岘港 Hoiana Resort & Golf 首席财务官在豪华综合度假村运营方面拥有 30 多年的经验。纽波特世界度假村 (NWR) 的所有者和运营商旅行者国际酒店集团 (TIHGI) 宣布任命劳伦斯·霍克 (Laurence Hawke) 为其新任首席财务官 (CFO),自 2024 年 7 月起生效。
Hawke 为 TIHGI 的领导团队带来了 30 多年的行业经验。他之前在越南岘港的 Hoiana Resort & Golf 担任集团首席财务官,负责这家豪华综合度假村的运营。
在新的职位上,霍克将向总裁兼首席执行官尼洛·罗德里格斯 (Nilo Rodriguez) 汇报工作,并与执行主席凯文·谭 (Kevin Tan) 和首席运营官兰斯·高特罗 (Lance Gautreaux) 密切合作。
随着 TIHGI 继续引领和创新综合度假村领域,他的广泛而战略性的洞察力有望成为宝贵的资产。
近日,Alliance Global Inc 否认了有关其存在财务丑闻的指控,并澄清称,包括前首席运营官Hakan Dagtas在内的高管离职是计划中的过渡的一部分。
The former CFO from Hoiana Resort & Golf, Da Nang, Vietnam, has over 30 years of experience in the operations of luxury integrated resorts.
Travellers International Hotel Group (TIHGI), owner and operator of Newport World Resorts (NWR), has announced the appointment of Laurence Hawke as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective July 2024.
Hawke brings over 30 years of industry experience to TIHGI’s leadership team. He joins from Hoiana Resort & Golf in Da Nang, Vietnam, where he served as Group CFO at the luxury integrated resort.
Hawke is well-versed in the pre-opening and operation of luxury integrated resorts in Asia, encompassing both gaming and non-gaming elements.
His expertise includes corporate and operational finance, strategic planning, financial controls, budget management and analysis.
In his new role, Hawke will report to President and CEO Nilo Rodriguez and work closely with Executive Chairman Kevin Tan and COO Lance Gautreaux.
His extensive and strategic insight are expected to be valuable assets as TIHGI continues to lead and innovate in the integrated resort sector.
Recently, Alliance Global Inc refuted claims of any financial scandal and clarified that the departure of its senior executives was part of a planned transition, including former COO Hakan Dagtas.